Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Raise Page Rank

Page Rank is nothing but the measure of a website's visibility over the web. So the only way to get a higher Page Rank is by getting some quality link-backs to your website. One very important factor to keep in mind is the fact that Google is against attempts made by webmasters to unnaturally increase their Page Ranks. This means Google is against link farms, link selling and any other practice which has been specifically developed to increase the Page Rank of a website in an unnatural manner. Google considers such attempts as a manipulation of its ranking algorithm and can even penalize websites found guilty. Google clearly explains this on its website.

One easy way of generating links in involves searching the internet to find relevant sites that are either vertically or horizontally related and asking them for a link exchange. Links brought in this manner are more effective and can help successfully increase the Page Rank. In addition to getting links from websites, getting links from quality directories is another way to increase your link popularity. You can also generate inbound links through article submission and press releases among others.

Some important factors to consider:

1. Try and get High PR Links
Quality of back links secured is more important than the mere volume of back links. A link from a webpage having a PR7 will fetch a website more value than 200 back links from a PR3 page. In addition to this the relevancy of links is also taken into consideration by Google in its ranking algorithm. So it important to get back links from related websites (Websites should be related either horizontally or vertically). Getting too many links from unrelated websites is considered by Google as an attempt to unnaturally gather links and the website may be penalized.

2. Avoid Link backs to Link Farms
Link Farms are very similar to webrings. Link farms are formed for the sheer purpose of exchanging links and improving the link popularity of participating websites. The downside is that link farms are considered by Google and other major search engines as 'bad neighborhoods'. This means that participating in link farms can get a website penalized to the extent that the site's listing may be removed. So make sure you stay out of link farms and do not link back to any of them from your website.

3. Carry Out Internal Link Text Optimization
As mentioned above, page-ranks are specific to a web page and do not apply to the entire website. But this does not mean that a website having 100 odd pages has to secure links for all those 100 pages individually. The best part about Page Rank is that it is passed on from one page to another and this applies to internal pages as well. So in-case a website has a homepage rank of '6' chances are that the page rank will be passed on to the internal pages and all of them might get a PR of 3 to 4. The thing to note here is the linking structure of a website. Page rank can pass from one page to another only if the pages are interlinked. The best way to go about it is by including a Site Map or providing site wide links on a website.

4. Get Links from SEO friendly Directories
One way links or links that are not reciprocated are generally given more value as they seem more like a naturally secured link. Links from good directories are hence an excellent means of increasing the page rank and to also get more crawls. OPD is a great directory to start with.

5. Get Links that are Placed Higher
Generally in a link exchange campaign websites tend to place outbound links on specially created link pages. The fact to be noted here is that the Page Rank is passed based on the order of links and the number of links on that webpage. So the links on top of the link page will get more PR value in comparison to those at the bottom.

Outgoing links and Page Rank:
The supposition that outgoing links can cause PR leakage may be true for all you know. But it would be safe to assume that even if outgoing links do leak PR, the leak is almost insignificant in comparison to the PR gained by a website from an incoming link. One thing that should be taken into consideration is the number of links on a webpage. Google emphasizes that no webpage should have more than 100 hyperlinks.

Source :

1 comment:

  1. That was a very informative article. I am interested in the techniques to increase the visibility of a web page. I run a small firm and we are exploring techniques like PPC Management for our digital ad campaign. Unless we increase the traffic to a website, it's actually of not much use. Once again, thank you.
