Saturday, June 13, 2009

List of User and Password in XAMPP

 Next list the user and password on xampp
1) For the MySQL database:
User: root
Password: (without the password!)

2) FileZilla FTP:
User untuk klien ada 2 buah yang sudah dibuat secara default For client account have 2 units that have been created by default
User: newuser
Password: wampp
User: anonymous

3) Mercury(Mail & POP3 Server):
Having 3 default users, namely:
Postmaster: postmaster (postmaster@localhost)
Administrator: Admin (admin@localhost)
TestUser: newuser
Password: wampp

Apache without a username and password, to learn more can read here.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Installation Xampp in Windows

As in the previous discussion on Apache, MySQL and PHP, I will submit the following tutorial xampp installation on windows and also some configuration settings that are required. Tutorial ini berbasis pada xampp versi 1.6.6. This tutorial is based on xampp version 1.6.6.
Setelah mendownload xampp, jalankan program xamp tsb. After xampp download, run program xamp page.

Double klik atau jalankan klik kanan lalu klik Run. Double click or run the right-click and then click Run.

Klik Ok. Click Ok.

Klik Next. Click Next.

Klik Next. Click Next.

Pilih Install Apache as service dan Install MySQL as service, jika Filezilla ftp server ingin diinstall juga sebagai service pilih juga. Select Install Apache as service and Install MySQL as service, filezilla ftp server if you want to install as well as select service also. Lalu klik Install. Then click Install.

Setelah instalasi selesai, muncul message berikut : After installation is complete, the following message appears:

Klik Finish, dan kemudian muncul message box berikut : Click Finish, and then appear the following message box:

Klik Ok. Click Ok.

Klik Yes, jika ingin segera menjalankan XAMPP Control Panel. Click Yes, if you want to immediately run the XAMPP Control Panel.
Instalasi XAMPP 1.6.6 selesai dilakukan. XAMPP 1.6.6 installation done.
Tampilan XAMPP Control Panel. Views XAMPP Control Panel.

Setingan pada kontrol panelnya cukup sederhana. Panelnya settings on the control is quite simple. Pada bagian Svc ada bagian yang tanpa centang, itu tandanya service dari Aplikasi belum terinstal pada windows. In the SVC is that without the check, sign the application's service was not installed on the windows. Agar Service terinstall pada Windows Services, klik pada bagian Svc. So that the Service is installed on Windows Services, click on the SVC.
Untuk start/stop service tinggal klik pada tombol Start/Stop. To start / stop service live click on the button Start / Stop.
Jika ingin melakukan administrasi, klik pada tombol Admin..., basisnya adalah web untuk Apache(web server), sedang mysql(database) dan filezilla(ftp server) maupun Mercury(smtp mail server) berbasis klien software. If you want to do administration, click on the button ... Admin, basisnya is for the Apache web (web server), and mysql (database) and filezilla (ftp server) and Mercury (smtp mail server) based client software.
Untuk masuk ke system file dari xampp, klik pada tombol Explore... For entry to the system files from xampp, click on the Explore button ...
Berikut tampilan web administrasi pada Xampp. Next look at the web administration Xampp.

Bila kita mau kontrol panel xampp sebagai service di Windows, klik pada tombol Service pada kontrol panel Xampp. If we want xampp control panel as a service in Windows, click the button on the control panel on the Service Xampp.

SCM adalah link ke Services Windows. SCM is a link to the Windows Services.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Apache, MySQL and PHP in one bundle

You are a web developer? But have no time to install apache webserver, mysql database and web programming language PHP on linux server. There are solutions that are easy and fast, download and install a bundle software, it is available in windows and linux. The bundle software is quite a lot of types and variations on the internet, I have try Xampp and WampServer, both bundle 3 application software for web developers above. Both have ease in installation and configuration, the difference Xampp more comprehensive, because it provides many additional add-on, so the size file is more bigger.


Wamp is a Web Development tool that consists of Apache, MySQL and PHP, PHPMyAdmin and SQLiteManager added. The two last tools use to manage MySQL database. Kelebihan Wamp selain ukuran file yang kecil juga memiliki kemampuan menambah add-on versi lain dari Apache, MySQL maupun PHP selain yang sudah ada. The advantage, Wamp has small size, also has the ability to add add-on. Add-on itself can be downloaded in here.

Xampp is also the web development tool, which consists of Apache, MySQL, PHP, and some add-on that directly bundle, such as: PROFTPD FTP Server (for linux), filezilla FTP Server (for the windows version), Webalizer, phpMyAdmin, SQLite, etc. Some add-on as a separate package, such as Perl and TomCat also provided by xampp. Xampp have their own convenience with the availability of a simple control panel look and feel.

Besides, if developers want to try the program in PHP 4, xampp provides PHP Switch tools, It has ability to change version to 4, the default of php version is 5.

Friday, June 5, 2009

CDBurnerXP, a free burning CD / DVD Application

Another one I found a free application to burn CD / DVD. Also on the blu-ray, and HD-DVD. Ability to create and burn ISO files, and according to the author claimed does not contain ads/Adware-code and other malicious code.
The file can be downloaded in here.

Feature in outline as follows:
  • Burn all kinds of disk (CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, etc.)
  • Create Audio-CD (MP3 and WMA)
  • Create and burn ISO files
  • There is data verification after burning process
  • Make a bootable disk
  • Multi-language support
  • ISO converter (bin and nrg to iso)
  • Cover printing to CD/DVD
  • Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista
Here are some screenshot:

Main Menu

Burn ISO file

Print Cover CD/DVD

ISO Converter

Monday, June 1, 2009

BackupPC, OpenSource Backup System for Windows and Linux via Network

Often we have difficulty if our server crashes, corrupt registry, hard disk failure, etc. At the time, corrupt registry occurred in pc, notebook or server Windows, unfortunately it does not have good backups and system state data. This fundamental error of fact does not need to happen. Although we successfully restore the system, but the loss of data and time, also money to pay consultants from the outside, so that hamper the existing business processes.

So we need to do a System State backup on a regular basis and backup data. In addition there is a need to have adequate backup systems. In fact many commercial software, such as: Acronis Recovery for Microsoft Exchange, EMC Legato Networker, ArchServe Backup, Symantec Backup Exec, Paragon Drive Backup, etc.. These software also need a solid hardware infrastructure, and of course expensive. Well, if the company does not have the budget then we can find other alternative backup system, which is cheap enough and realible enough.

There are many alternative backup system based on opensource software, such as Amanda, BackupPC and Bacula, and many more. For case, Amanda and Bacula, actually quite powerful and has features that are complete, can be backup to TAPE, Virtual Tape and Disk Library, but is quite complex interconnect configuration, this according to me, the others may be different. I try and found that BackupPC configuration more easier. According to my personal, BackupPC needs to be used for day-to-day operations. Because it can be used to backup servers, PCs, and Notebooks.

BackupPC has a adequate features and only for backup to disk through the network. Some of the feature is quite adequate, such as: backup via Network, does not need to install software on the client, there is compression, the administrator interface to a web gui, support SMB, rsync, ssh, RSH, nfs. Ability backup data up to 2 ^ 51 bytes, both full backups and incremental backups. And reliable enough in Linux, Windows 95, 98, XP, 2000 and Solaris. Unfortunately BackupPC is not yet support VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Services), so the files that are open or locked by the application won't backup by BackupPC. Therefore we need to combine between NTBackup and BackupPC, we use NTBackup to backup system state and all data. We use BackupPC for backup file .bkf, which will be stored in the BackupPC server.

Unfortunately, despite the success we backup file system for Windows, we fail to restore from backup data, only file that really pure data or not used by application can be restored succesfully.

I install the Backup PC with Ubuntu 8.04 distro, installation itself is quite simple like this:

#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get install backuppc
Automatically install it's dependence package, such as perl (backuppc made from perl programming language), apache, smbclient, SMB-common, tar, rsync, openssl. We can install with Synaptic package manager.
After installation is complete we will have a web link to the administration panle and also username and password to login.
Go to the web administration, opening the browser:
, Beni-laptop is the hostname can be replaced with the IP Address. Enter the username: and password backuppc

Click OK.
Configuration itself is quite easy, go to Edit hosts.

Click Add button and fill the hostname or IP of your PC/Server/Notebook, also enter user. Once finished, do not forget to click Save button.
Then browse to the IP / Hostname that we create, edit config, and go to Xfer tab, enter its SMBSharepasswd:

Here are some screenshots BackupPC:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

MWSnap, alternative image capture

I googling in internet alternative of snagit, especially free image capture, because I know snagit is not free, so eventually i found software, the name is MWSnap in the website belong to mirek here. Please, download in here.

MWSnap is a small program that size only about 643 Kb, really tiny, but powerful enough, more free. This program is truly simple and modest, in the case of the installation does not require a lot of requirements, does not need a special dll file, driver or other supporting files.

Its features are complete enough, have ability to capture the entire desktop, or only the active window, or active menu, or can be based on large size that we want to capture. MWSnap support 5 graphic formats and features graphical tools such as zoom, ruler, color picker window spy, and has a fast image viewer or converter.

Full Features of MWSnap:
  • 5 capture mode.
  • Format supports BMP, JPG, TIFF, PNG and GIF.
  • System-wide hotkeys.
  • Copy/Paste clipboard.
  • Printing.
  • Auto-Save, print automatically.
  • Auto-start with Windows.
  • Minimise system tray.
  • Zoom tool.
  • A ruler tool.
  • A color picker.
  • Fast picture viewer.
  • Undo and redo.
  • Multilingual version, bahasa is not yet supported.
Here are some screenshot:

Results of MWSnap screen capture

MWSnap Hotkey

MWSnap Setting

How To Raise Page Rank

Page Rank is nothing but the measure of a website's visibility over the web. So the only way to get a higher Page Rank is by getting some quality link-backs to your website. One very important factor to keep in mind is the fact that Google is against attempts made by webmasters to unnaturally increase their Page Ranks. This means Google is against link farms, link selling and any other practice which has been specifically developed to increase the Page Rank of a website in an unnatural manner. Google considers such attempts as a manipulation of its ranking algorithm and can even penalize websites found guilty. Google clearly explains this on its website.

One easy way of generating links in involves searching the internet to find relevant sites that are either vertically or horizontally related and asking them for a link exchange. Links brought in this manner are more effective and can help successfully increase the Page Rank. In addition to getting links from websites, getting links from quality directories is another way to increase your link popularity. You can also generate inbound links through article submission and press releases among others.

Some important factors to consider:

1. Try and get High PR Links
Quality of back links secured is more important than the mere volume of back links. A link from a webpage having a PR7 will fetch a website more value than 200 back links from a PR3 page. In addition to this the relevancy of links is also taken into consideration by Google in its ranking algorithm. So it important to get back links from related websites (Websites should be related either horizontally or vertically). Getting too many links from unrelated websites is considered by Google as an attempt to unnaturally gather links and the website may be penalized.

2. Avoid Link backs to Link Farms
Link Farms are very similar to webrings. Link farms are formed for the sheer purpose of exchanging links and improving the link popularity of participating websites. The downside is that link farms are considered by Google and other major search engines as 'bad neighborhoods'. This means that participating in link farms can get a website penalized to the extent that the site's listing may be removed. So make sure you stay out of link farms and do not link back to any of them from your website.

3. Carry Out Internal Link Text Optimization
As mentioned above, page-ranks are specific to a web page and do not apply to the entire website. But this does not mean that a website having 100 odd pages has to secure links for all those 100 pages individually. The best part about Page Rank is that it is passed on from one page to another and this applies to internal pages as well. So in-case a website has a homepage rank of '6' chances are that the page rank will be passed on to the internal pages and all of them might get a PR of 3 to 4. The thing to note here is the linking structure of a website. Page rank can pass from one page to another only if the pages are interlinked. The best way to go about it is by including a Site Map or providing site wide links on a website.

4. Get Links from SEO friendly Directories
One way links or links that are not reciprocated are generally given more value as they seem more like a naturally secured link. Links from good directories are hence an excellent means of increasing the page rank and to also get more crawls. OPD is a great directory to start with.

5. Get Links that are Placed Higher
Generally in a link exchange campaign websites tend to place outbound links on specially created link pages. The fact to be noted here is that the Page Rank is passed based on the order of links and the number of links on that webpage. So the links on top of the link page will get more PR value in comparison to those at the bottom.

Outgoing links and Page Rank:
The supposition that outgoing links can cause PR leakage may be true for all you know. But it would be safe to assume that even if outgoing links do leak PR, the leak is almost insignificant in comparison to the PR gained by a website from an incoming link. One thing that should be taken into consideration is the number of links on a webpage. Google emphasizes that no webpage should have more than 100 hyperlinks.

Source :

Monday, May 25, 2009

Testing IP-CCTV Vivotek 7131

Just this week I could write about IP CCTV. But already about 8 months ago, i borrowed IP-CCTV by vendor, this brand is Vivotek with type: IP7131 , This type is static IP-CCTV, it costs about U.S. $ 300 at online store, at other online store , it costs are around 2.7 million.
The s
pecification as follows:

Camera Type: Network Camera-Fixed
Sensor Type: 1/4" VGA CMOS Sensor
Sensor Resolution: Up to 30fps in Full VGA
Video Compression: MPEG-4 Ipcam
Interface: Ethernat 10Base-T/100Base-TX. IEEE 802.11g
P rotocols: RTP/IP, UDP/IP, TCP/IP, SMTP/HTTP/FTP, DNS and DHCP client and DDNS
Special Feature 1: Power over Ethernet
Special Feature 2: Support 3GPP/ISMA Mobile Surveillance
Dimension: 3.79 in x 6.4 in x 1.9 in
Power Supply: DC 5V
Warranty: 1 year

Overall quality is good, the disadvantage : only can not be rotated because of the static type. To configure this IP-CCTV, use Internet Explorer browser, instead of Firefox browser, because it uses ActiveX. Firefox does not currently support ActiveX.
Screenshot Administrator panel via the web :

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Developing SMS Gateway with Wavecom Fasttrack gsm modem, Kannel and Playsms

Developing a SMS Gateway itself appeared to be calculated so easy-hard, I need about four days to research and build it. Fortunately, i get loan gsm modem with brand Wavecom Fastrack, then the old desire to develop and build sms gateway arise again.

Indeed, current trends seem to make sms gateway is not the time anymore. However, because the cheapness sms services, this application is still interesting enough to be used as effective and cheaper, especially with the elections or the elections that the blow-back in my country. Use SMS campaign to become a practical tool for the prospective parlementary council or Head Officer Area Government Administrator(such as Governor, Bupati/Major).

Equipment that need to be provided: the first is clearly a PC, gsm modem (both usb or serial connector), a CD Linux distributions (I use Elastix Distro, based Centos 5.2), why choose this, because I am more familiar with Redhat based distributions, and added little knowledge of the linux command.

First, I need to install Centos. I installed on a PC Intel Atom. After finished install Centos. Test for probing modem, gsm modem (Wavecom Fastrack) that using the serial connector. I use wvdial program to test the modem, because this package should not be in install. I select to install wvdial package via the Internet, because it is easy and in my office LAN directly connected to the internet.
# yum install wvdial

After the installation have finished. I try to test with the command as follows:
# wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf

The display message as follows:
Scanning your serial ports for a modem.

ttyS0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- failed with 2400 baud, next try: 9600 baud
ttyS0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 -- OK
ttyS0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 Z -- OK
ttyS0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 -- OK
ttyS0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 -- OK
ttyS0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 -- OK
ttyS0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0 -- OK
ttyS0<*1>: Modem Identifier: ATI -- WAVECOM MODEM
ttyS0<*1>: Speed 19200: AT --
ttyS0<*1>: Speed 19200: AT --
ttyS0<*1>: Speed 19200: AT --
ttyS0<*1>: Max speed is 9600; that should be safe.
ttyS0<*1>: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0 -- OK
Port Scan<*1>: S2 S3

Found a modem on /dev/ttyS0.
Modem configuration written to /etc/wvdial.conf.
ttyS0: Speed 9600; init "ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0"
Here they are,Wavecom gsm modem with a speed 9600 and the devices is at file /dev/ttyS0. This information is useful when we later do the settings in the configuration file kannel.

Next, we install kannel. Kannel sms engine is that we will use as a sms gateway. Actually there are several types of sms gateway, such as: gnokii, clickatell, sms server tools. However I choose kannel, because I see in google that many use kannel as sms engine and the average trial is listed at success story's list.

You can install using the tarball or rpm, can be downloaded in here for the tarball, for rpm package can be downloaded in here.
For installation using tarbal do the following:
After downloaded, put in the directory, for example : /opt
#tar -xvzf gateway-xxxtar.gz
#cd gateway-xxx
#make instal

Program bearerbox, smsbox, wapbox and run_kannel_box installed in /usr/local/sbin. We copy the configuration file from the source in /opt/gateway-xxx/debian.
To install the rpm, the more easily:
# rpm -ivh kannel-xxxrpm
Then edit the configuration file kannel.conf be as follows (this is in my configuration file, your configuration may be different):

group = core
admin-port = 13000
admin-password =
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/kannel.log"
log-level = 0
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
smsbox-port = 13001
store-file = "/var/log/kannel/"

group = smsc
smsc = at
host =
port = 13013
smsc-id = wavecom
modemtype = wavecom
device = /dev/ttyS0
speed = 9600
sms-center = "+6281100000"

group = modems
name = WAVECOM
detect-string = WAVECOM
init-string = "AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0;+CMEE=1"

group = smsbox
bearerbox-host =
sendsms-port = 13131
sendsms-chars = "0123456789+"
global-sender = "+6281100000"
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
log-level = 0
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"

group = sendsms-user
username = playsms
password = playsms

group = sms-service
keyword = default
accept-x-kannel-headers = true
max-messages = 0
assume-plain-text = true
catch-all = true
get-url = "http://localhost/playsms/plugin/gateway/kannel/geturl.php?t=%t&q=%q&a=%a"

Need to be your attention. these lines, please adjust this configuration and fill with your fit configuration:
smsc-id = wavecom
modemtype = wavecom
device = /dev/ttyS0
speed = 9600
sms-center = "+6281100000"

smsc-id and modemtype fill with wavecom, because i use gsm modem wavecom
and devices such as speed obtained in step wvdialconf above. sms-center use Telkomsel telco provider, because I use a simcard Telkomsel provider.

name = WAVECOM
detect-string = WAVECOM
id, name, and detect-string match with the type of your modem

global-sender = "+6281100000"
global-sender Telkomsel because I use a sim card Simpati.

username = playsms
password = playsms
username and password same with the time we install playsms

If the directory /var/log/kannel not created (usually on the installation using the tarball, if you use the rpm is in the automatic-create), made with the command:

#mkdir /var/log/kannel
#chmod 755 /var/log/kannel

To test whether kannel running well, run the command as follows:
#bearerbox /etc/kannel.conf
Display the following message:
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = -1, log_file = , log_lvl = 0
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] WARNING: DLR: using default 'internal' for storage type.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: DLR using storage type: internal
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: Kannel bearerbox version `1.4.3'.
Build `Mar 6 2009 16:02:25', compiler `4.1.2 20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-14)'.
System Linux, release 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5, version #1 SMP Wed May 7 08:20:19 EDT 2008, machine i686.
Hostname, IP
Libxml version 2.6.26.
Using OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006.
Using native malloc.

2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: Added logfile `/var/log/kannel/kannel.log' with level `0'.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: Started access logfile `/var/log/kannel/access.log'.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] WARNING: 'store-file' option deprecated, please use 'store-location' and 'store-type' instead.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 13000.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread)
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3 (gw/bb_http.c:httpadmin_run)
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [2] DEBUG: Thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread) maps to pid 3293.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller) maps to pid 3293.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: starting smsbox connection module
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: BOXC: 'smsbox-max-pending' not set, using default (100).
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [3] DEBUG: Thread 3 (gw/bb_http.c:httpadmin_run) maps to pid 3293.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4 (gw/bb_boxc.c:sms_to_smsboxes)
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5 (gw/bb_boxc.c:smsboxc_run)
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [5] DEBUG: Thread 5 (gw/bb_boxc.c:smsboxc_run) maps to pid 3293.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [4] DEBUG: Thread 4 (gw/bb_boxc.c:sms_to_smsboxes) maps to pid 3293.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: Set SMS resend frequency to 60 seconds.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: SMS resend retry set to unlimited.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: smsbox MO concatenated message handling enabled
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: DLR rerouting for smsc id disabled.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: configuration shows modemtype
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: Reading modem definitions from

2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: Found <1> modems in config
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: modemtype not found, revert to autodetect
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6 (gw/smsc/smsc_at.c:at2_device_thread)
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 7 (gw/bb_smscconn.c:sms_router)
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: ----------------------------------------
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: Kannel bearerbox II version 1.4.3 starting
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [7] DEBUG: Thread 7 (gw/bb_smscconn.c:sms_router) maps to pid 3293.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: Loading store file `/var/log/kannel/'
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: Store-file size 0, starting to unpack
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: Retrieved 0 messages, non-acknowledged messages: 0
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [6] DEBUG: Thread 6 (gw/smsc/smsc_at.c:at2_device_thread) maps to pid 3293.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: detecting modem type
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [6] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: opening device
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 8 (gw/bb_store_file.c:store_dumper)
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] INFO: MAIN: Start-up done, entering mainloop
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [0] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: start called
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: device opened. Telnet mode = 0
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [8] DEBUG: Thread 8 (gw/bb_store_file.c:store_dumper) maps to pid 3293.
2009-03-13 10:11:44 [3293] [8] DEBUG: Dumping 0 messages to store
2009-03-13 10:11:45 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: device opened
2009-03-13 10:11:45 [3293] [6] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: speed set to 9600
2009-03-13 10:11:45 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> ^M
2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT^M
2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT&F^M
2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> ATE0^M
2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> ATI^M
2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- WAVECOM MODEM 009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- MULTIBAND 900E 1800 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: found string , using modem definition
2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CSMS=?^M
2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- +CSMS: (0,1) 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: Phase 2+ is supported 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: Closing device 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: opening device 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: device opened. Telnet mode = 0 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: device opened 2009-03-13 10:11:47 [3293] [6] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: Logging in 2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: init device 2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: speed set to 9600 2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> ATZ^M
2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT^M
2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- AT 2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT&F^M
2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- AT&F 2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> ATE0^M
2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- ATE0 2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+IFC=2,2^M
2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:11:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CPIN?^M
2009-03-13 10:11:49 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- +CPIN: READY 2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CSCA="+6281100000"^M
2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CMGF=0^M
2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CSMS=?^M
2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- +CSMS: (0,1) 2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: Phase 2+ is supported 2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CSMS=1^M
2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- +CSMS: 1,1,1 2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0;+CMEE=1^M
2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-13 10:12:00 [3293] [6] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: AT SMSC successfully opened.

#smsbox /etc/kannel.conf
Display the following message:
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = -1, log_file = , log_lvl = 0
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: Kannel smsbox version `1.4.3'.
Build `Mar 6 2009 16:02:25', compiler `4.1.2 20070626 (Red Hat 4.1.2-14)'.
System Linux, release 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5, version #1 SMP Wed May 7 08:20:19 EDT 2008, machine i686.
Hostname, IP
Libxml version 2.6.26.
Using OpenSSL 0.9.8b 04 May 2006.
Using native malloc.

2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] INFO: Starting to log to file /var/log/kannel/smsbox.log level 0
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] INFO: Added logfile `/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log' with level `0'.
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] INFO: Service global sender set as '+6281100000'
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] INFO: Logging accesses to '/var/log/kannel/access.log'.
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] INFO: Started access logfile `/var/log/kannel/access.log'.
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 13131.

2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread)
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] INFO: Set up send sms service at port 13131
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3 (gw/smsbox.c:sendsms_thread)
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [3] DEBUG: Thread 3 (gw/smsbox.c:sendsms_thread) maps to pid 3302.
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [2] DEBUG: Thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread) maps to pid 3302.
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: ----------------------------------------------
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller) maps to pid 3302.
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: Kannel smsbox version 1.4.3 starting
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: dumping group (sendsms-user):
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: =
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: =
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: =
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4 (gw/smsbox.c:obey_request_thread)
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5 (gw/smsbox.c:url_result_thread)
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6 (gw/smsbox.c:http_queue_thread)
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [6] DEBUG: Thread 6 (gw/smsbox.c:http_queue_thread) maps to pid 3302.
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [5] DEBUG: Thread 5 (gw/smsbox.c:url_result_thread) maps to pid 3302.
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] INFO: Connected to bearerbox at port 13001.
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [4] DEBUG: Thread 4 (gw/smsbox.c:obey_request_thread) maps to pid 3302.
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 7 (gw/heartbeat.c:heartbeat_thread)
2009-03-13 10:13:43 [3302] [7] DEBUG: Thread 7 (gw/heartbeat.c:heartbeat_thread) maps to pid 3302.
Installation PlaySMS

PlaySMS installation requirements:
  • Web Server (Apache)
  • MySQL Database Server 4.x.x or higher
  • PHP version 4.4.x or higher with a stable module mysql
  • PHP pear DB (php-pear)
  • A connection to the SMTP server (playSMS use this to send email)
1. Download playsms-0.9.3.tar.gz from the website at
2. Put in the directory /opt, and untar and unzip playsms-0.9.3.tar.gz
# tar -xvzf playsms-0.9.3.tar.gz
3. Create a playsms directory in /var/www/html
#mkdir /var/www/html/playsms
4. Copy playsms-0.9.3/web to /var/www/html
#cp -pr playsms-0.9.3/web /var/www/html/playsms
5. Create some directory for the log and spool playsms:
# mkdir -p /var/spool/playsms
# mkdir -p /var/log/playsms
6. Create a username and password:
#adduser playsms
#passwd playsms
7. Create a database playsms and import playsms.sql to create their table.
# mysqladmin -u root -p create playsms
# mysql -u root -p playsms < /opt/playsms-0.9.3/db/playsms.sql
8. Copy config-dist.php to config.php, and edit the file config.php
# cp config-dist.php config.php
# vi config.php
The contents more or less as follows:
$db_param['type'] = 'mysql'; // database engine
$db_param['host'] = 'localhost'; // database host/server
$db_param['port'] = ''; // database port
$db_param['user'] = 'root'; // database username
$db_param['pass'] = 'eLaStIx.2oo7'; // database password
$db_param['name'] = 'playsms'; // database name
$db_param['pref'] = 'playsms'; // table's prefix without trailing

Line 5, fill you with the password for user root at mysql database .
Line 6, and 7 same with steps 7.
9. Files playsms, playsmsd, playsmsd.php, and playsmsd_start to the directory /usr/local/bin:
# cd /opt/playsms-0.9.3/bin
# cp playsmsd playsmsd.php playsmsd_start /usr/local/bin/
# cp playsms /etc/default/ Playsms
10.Browse http://localhost/playsms/ and login with the username: admin and password: admin

The log message of send SMS, as follows:
2009-03-13 10:17:46 [3293] [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms received 2009-03-13 10:17:46 [3293] [9] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to box: <>
2009-03-13 10:17:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: TP-Validity-Period: 24.0 hours
2009-03-13 10:17:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CMGS=60^M

2009-03-13 10:17:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- >

2009-03-13 10:17:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: send command status: 1 2009-03-1310:17:48[3293][6]DEBUG:AT2[wavecom]:--> 0031000C912612641405510011A734C834A80EA2A3CBF2320B747EBFC9A0F65BEE4EBBCFA110A8051A4293A069730A42BEE9ECB4BB0C9A96E5F6F4B80C 2009-03-13 10:17:48 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> ^Z
2009-03-13 10:17:51 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- >
2009-03-13 10:17:51 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- +CMGS: 81
2009-03-13 10:17:51 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK

2009-03-13 10:17:51 [3293] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: send command status: 0 2009-03-1310:17:51[3293][6]DEBUG:DLR[internal]:AddingDLRsmsc=wavecom,ts=81, src=62818xxxxxx, dst=+6221xxxxxxxx, mask=31, boxc=
2009-03-13 10:17:51 [3293] [6] DEBUG: SMSC[wavecom]: creating DLR message
2009-03-13 10:17:51 [3293] [6] DEBUG: SMSC[wavecom]: DLR = http://localhost/playsms/plugin/gateway/kannel/dlr.php?type=%d&slid=14&uid=1

2009-03-13 10:17:51 [3293] [10] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to box: <>
2009-03-13 10:17:51 [3293] [10] DEBUG: boxc_sender: sent message to <>
2009-03-13 10:17:51 [3293] [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: got ack

2009-03-13 10:18:04 [3293] [8] DEBUG: Dumping 0 messages to store
2009-03-13 10:18:13 [3293] [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: heartbeat with load value 0 received
The log message of receive SMS, as follows:
2009-03-18 13:45:33 [5912] [7] DEBUG: clear_old_concat_parts called
2009-03-18 13:46:06 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- +CMTI: "SM",1 2009-03-18 13:46:06 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: +CMTI incoming SMS indication: +CMTI: "SM",1 2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] INFO: AT2[wavecom]: CMTI received, but no message-storage is set in confiuration.setting now to
2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] INFO: System error 2: No such file or directory
2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CPMS="SM"^M
2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- +CPMS: 1,40,1,40 2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CMGR=1^M
2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- +CMGR: 0,,35 2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- 07912618485400F9240B912618987811F500009030813164958212502B485C76A741F4F29C0E5AA7E5E936 2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: received message from SMSC: +62818445009 2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: Numeric sender (international) <+62818987115>
2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: User data length read as (18)
2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: Udh decoding done len=18 udhi=0 udhlen=0 udh=''
2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [10] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to box: <>
2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [10] DEBUG: boxc_sender: sent message to <>
2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: got ack
2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-18 13:46:08 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CMGD=1^M
2009-03-18 13:46:09 [5912] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK 2009-03-18 13:46:24 [5912] [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: heartbeat with load value 0 received 2009-03-18 13:46:24 [5912] [8] DEBUG: Dumping 0 messages to store
Here are some screenshots of PlaySMS:
SMS Gateway Login
Welcome Page
Send SMS
Send SMS Broadcast
Inbox Incoming SMS
Inbox outgoing SMS
Manage Kannel

Administration Preferences
Main Configuration
Manage Users