Friday, June 12, 2009

Installation Xampp in Windows

As in the previous discussion on Apache, MySQL and PHP, I will submit the following tutorial xampp installation on windows and also some configuration settings that are required. Tutorial ini berbasis pada xampp versi 1.6.6. This tutorial is based on xampp version 1.6.6.
Setelah mendownload xampp, jalankan program xamp tsb. After xampp download, run program xamp page.

Double klik atau jalankan klik kanan lalu klik Run. Double click or run the right-click and then click Run.

Klik Ok. Click Ok.

Klik Next. Click Next.

Klik Next. Click Next.

Pilih Install Apache as service dan Install MySQL as service, jika Filezilla ftp server ingin diinstall juga sebagai service pilih juga. Select Install Apache as service and Install MySQL as service, filezilla ftp server if you want to install as well as select service also. Lalu klik Install. Then click Install.

Setelah instalasi selesai, muncul message berikut : After installation is complete, the following message appears:

Klik Finish, dan kemudian muncul message box berikut : Click Finish, and then appear the following message box:

Klik Ok. Click Ok.

Klik Yes, jika ingin segera menjalankan XAMPP Control Panel. Click Yes, if you want to immediately run the XAMPP Control Panel.
Instalasi XAMPP 1.6.6 selesai dilakukan. XAMPP 1.6.6 installation done.
Tampilan XAMPP Control Panel. Views XAMPP Control Panel.

Setingan pada kontrol panelnya cukup sederhana. Panelnya settings on the control is quite simple. Pada bagian Svc ada bagian yang tanpa centang, itu tandanya service dari Aplikasi belum terinstal pada windows. In the SVC is that without the check, sign the application's service was not installed on the windows. Agar Service terinstall pada Windows Services, klik pada bagian Svc. So that the Service is installed on Windows Services, click on the SVC.
Untuk start/stop service tinggal klik pada tombol Start/Stop. To start / stop service live click on the button Start / Stop.
Jika ingin melakukan administrasi, klik pada tombol Admin..., basisnya adalah web untuk Apache(web server), sedang mysql(database) dan filezilla(ftp server) maupun Mercury(smtp mail server) berbasis klien software. If you want to do administration, click on the button ... Admin, basisnya is for the Apache web (web server), and mysql (database) and filezilla (ftp server) and Mercury (smtp mail server) based client software.
Untuk masuk ke system file dari xampp, klik pada tombol Explore... For entry to the system files from xampp, click on the Explore button ...
Berikut tampilan web administrasi pada Xampp. Next look at the web administration Xampp.

Bila kita mau kontrol panel xampp sebagai service di Windows, klik pada tombol Service pada kontrol panel Xampp. If we want xampp control panel as a service in Windows, click the button on the control panel on the Service Xampp.

SCM adalah link ke Services Windows. SCM is a link to the Windows Services.

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